The BILT Model is a proven approach for high employer engagement recognized by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and the Department of Labor.
The BILT Model
The BILT model puts businesses in a co-leadership role for college technical programs, allowing for direct input into the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that program graduates should possess 12-36 months into the future. BILTs focuses on a single program rather than an entire department or division, with BILT members serving as subject matter experts (SMEs) in their respective roles. The BILT model circumvents the drawbacks of traditional business advisory councils, which often passively review curriculum developed by faculty, potentially overlooking essential workforce needs.
The BILT model is scalable and adaptable, making it suitable for various needs and sizes. Local BILTs can advise a single department or college, while a regional BILT can advise multiple colleges. A national BILT can influence colleges coast to coast, and a project-specific BILT can offer insights into particular initiatives, such as grants.

BILT members include:
- High-level technical executives (strategists) who are responsible for evaluating future technologies for their companies so that they can help the college anticipate changes
- First-line hiring managers who are aware of the current and future KSAs they need their employees to have as well as the challenges they face
- Experienced technicians currently holding the position
In an engaged BILT, members:
- Participate in a forum to share trends with other business leaders in a neutral, non-proprietary environment
- Influence the creation of a pipeline of skilled future job candidates
- Develop relations with colleges preparing those future employees
- Generate goodwill and positive press as the company demonstrates its commitment to workforce needs
BILT meetings:
- Job-skills analysis meeting to evaluate the KSAs
- Industry trends meetings focused on business feedback and discussion
Benefits to College:
- Teach with assurance, ensuring alignment with competencies businesses want future employees to possess
- Uncover industry trends through BILT members, facilitating timely curriculum adjustments because of trend-focused meetings
- Generate a ripple effect by engaging BILT members as guest speakers or collaborators in recruitment events, both on-campus and off
Benefits to Industry:
- Widens the pipeline of right-skilled entry-level job candidates for talent needs
- Develops relationships with community colleges and universities preparing those future employees
- Generates goodwill and positive press as the company demonstrates its commitment to workforce needs
- Provides opportunities to interact with other influential IT leaders