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Understanding the KSAs

The job clusters are made up of the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities, often called KSAs.

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The center uses the following definitions:

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  • Theoretical understanding, facts, and information of concepts
  • Acquired through learning and experience

Web Development Example:

Knowing the core technologies used in front-end web development

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  • Capabilities or proficiencies
  • The practical applications of knowledge that enable effective task completion
  • Developed through training, practice, and hands-on experience

Web Development Example:

Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web pages that work on a variety of devices and screen sizes

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  • The competencies (workplace, academic, or personal effectiveness) to perform tasks and solve problems effectively
  • Observable behaviors

Web Development Example:

Demonstrating clear written communication with the web page designer to ensure usability

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Each KSA was assigned a score calculated from the votes of the subject matter experts on the BILT using the following rubric:

  • A vote of “4” indicated the item must be covered in the curriculum.
  • A vote of “3” indicated the item should be covered in the curriculum.
  • A vote of “2” indicated that it would be nice for the item to be covered in the curriculum.
  • A vote of “1” indicated the item should not be covered in the curriculum.

The KSAs were developed with a focus 12 to 36 months in the future for an entry-level employee working.
For further context on how the BILT arrived at these results, please see the meeting minutes.

This content has been built on the work of the National Convergence Technology Center (DUE 1700530), the Pathways to Innovation grant (DUE 2039395), and IT Skill Standards grant (No. 1838535).
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